Storage Guide
- Synology
- Azure
- Plex
- Backblaze B2
- Box
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
- Google Cloud Storage
- OneDrive
- OneDrive for Business
- S3, S3 Compatibles
- Swift
- ucloud biz
- WebDAV
Use cases
NetDrive3 License
Each customer needs to Create Account ID in order to purchase and login to NetDrive3 software. Unlike our previous versions, NetDrive3 does not use license number anymore and it always needs to be connected to the Internet while using.
A trial version is available in Bdrive website and it is recommended to check our software prior to the purchase.
‘License’ is defined as the number of software that can be used concurrently in any device, and each customer can purchase as many licenses as needed.
Once the license purchase is successfully completed, no-reply confirmation email is immediately sent to user account ID along with the invoice link. Useful license information can also be found in Account Page.
Note: Each account ID can purchase only one license type.
NetDrive3 has two kinds of plans, Personal and Team, which can be found in Bdrive website.
‘Personal Plan’ is generally for personal use which allows only a single account ID whether customer purchases one or multiple licenses. In case of multiple Personal licenses, same drive items are used among the devices and mounted drives/contents are accessible to other Windows users on the same device.
‘Team Plan’ can have respective account ID for each Team member. After the purchase, Team admin must Add Team Member in Account Page. Unlike Personal plan, each Team member has their own drive items and mounted drives are not visible to other Windows users on the same devices.
License Types
Two types of NetDrive3 licenses are available, subscription based and onetime purchase.
‘Yearly Subscription’ can use the license during subscription period along with customer support and version update. It is very important to know about Subscription Auto-Renewal which will be auto-charged on the initial purchased day of next year, using the same payment method.
‘Lifetime License’ literally can be used during product lifetime with selection of ‘support and update’ period, either 1 year or lifetime.
In case of ‘1 year’ support and update option, the license can be used for product lifetime with limited support and update of 1 year. For the customers who further need support and update after 1 year expired, additional Lifetime Support Option is available. Detailed information can be found in the article 'What happens to my one-time license (prior product name of current Lifetime license with 1 year support) after 1 year?'.
In case of ‘lifetime’ support and update option, the license will last during product lifetime along with support and update.
Note: Personal plan offers both 1 year and lifetime support option whereas Team plan offers lifetime option only.
Add License
License can be added to initial purchase order at 'Add license' price. The purchase can be proceeded in License category in Account Page.
When placing an add license order, the followings will be proceeded :
‘Yearly Subscription’ will first cancel current (initial or the most recent) purchase order by partial refunding applying ‘prorate’, counting from initial or the most recent purchase day. Then a new Yearly Subscription purchase order will be issued for total license quantities at adjusted total price for 1 new year. It is important to know that the renewal day is now changed to this day as explained in Subscription Auto-Renewal.
‘Lifetime License’ will issue individual purchase order for each add license request at corresponding add license price.
Note: Yearly Subscription allows to 'Remove license' purchased within 14 days according to refund policy.
Note: Support and update period of added licenses of Lifetime license for 1 year will comply with the license period of 'initial' purchase order (not add license period). Support and update for Yearly Subscription lasts during subscription period.
Note: Remove license of Yearly Subscription is limited one time per day.
Note: Refund can be proceeded within 2 weeks of purchased day based on our Refund Policy.
Team Manual
Information can be found in Team License including how to add Team members, add Team Licenses and Team features.
Account Page
Each customer needs to Create Account ID prior to purchase and login to NetDrive3 software. Account Page is and includes Login Information, Reset Password, Change Login Method, Invoice Link, Add License, Support Site, etc.
Subscription Auto-Renewal
Yearly Subscription continues yearly base by auto-charging on the initial purchase day of each successive year, using the same payment method. A renewal order will be issued and emailed to user account ID.
User is required to check the expiration date of the credit card before annual auto-charge transaction is proceeded since otherwise it will fail the renewal which eventually leads to the cancellation of the entire subscription immediately. Our customers will receive renewal notification email 7 days prior to the renewal date advising about upcoming auto-charge, so it is important to double check card information including the expiration date. Change Credit Card is available in Change Credit Card.
For any reason, if you need to stop yearly subscription, check End Subscription and Refund Policy first and then write to our Support Site with account ID and transaction ID.
Lifetime Support Option
For lifetime license with support and update of 1 year expired, we additionally provide maintenance renewal option, either 1 year or lifetime. The renewal can be proceeded in anytime.
If purchased multiple license quantities, the lifetime support option can only be applied to the entire licenses as a whole. Remove license or support purchase for part of the licenses is not available.
Create Account ID
Prior to purchase or login to NetDrive3, every customer needs to create their own Bdrive account ID and set password in This account ID is required to be verified (in the email sent) before using the software. If you didn't receive the verification email, retry to login to Account Page using the account ID which then will re-send the verification email. Don't forget to check the spambox, too. This account ID is primary identification we use to send email verification, license confirmation, support contact, renewal notification, etc.
Third party login option of Facebook, Twitter, or Google is provided, and Change Login Method is also available in Accounts category of Account Page.
We support to Change Account ID and Reset Password as well.
Change Account ID
We assist to transfer current license to a new account ID. Prior to the transfer, this new account ID needs to be created in Create Account ID. This transfer simply changes the user account ID, and the original information (card holder and address) remains fixed.
When transferring the license, we handle the entire licenses under current account ID as a whole, meaning that we do not transfer part of the licenses. Also, it is not possible to transfer to an account ID that already has paid licenses.
To request to change account ID, write to our Support Site with current account ID and new account ID.
Reset Password
In case of lost or need for a change, the password can be reset with correct account ID provided in Accounts category in Account Page. Reset password is completed by verifying the email sent to this address.
Change Login Method
Once signed in with any third party credential (Facebook, Twitter, Google), user can change login method to a different third party or to email account ID in Manage Your Login Methods in Account Page anytime.
Note: User email account ID is used by default if current third party is removed.
Invoice Link
We provide invoice link of each purchase order in Accounts category in Account Page. Click correct invoice link to download or print.
Change Credit Card
User credit card information can be updated by logging in to our payment gateway, BlueSnap.
Prior to this change, write to Bdrive Support Site to find pre-generated username and password of BlueSnap. This is different from Bdrive account ID and password. Note it is not possible to change the credit card information during the license renewal period.
Then, login to BlueSnap and click the 'Change' button under the payment method column where the change of information is able.
Note: Licenses purchased prior to October 2, 2018 (paid by FastSpring) cannot change credit card using above instruction. To request to change of credit card, write to our Support Site with user account ID and transaction ID.
End Subscription
To end yearly subscription, it is recommended to check Refund Policy first. Refund policy is stated in Terms and Conditions of End User License Agreement (EULA) as well.
If requested to stop the subscription within 14 days after the purchase or renewal date, we cancel current subscription order and partial refund by applying prorating. If requested after 14 days, we do not cancel current subscription but only stop auto-charge of next subscription. There is no refund on current subscription order.
To request to stop the subscription, write to our Support Site with user account ID and transaction ID.
Delete Account ID
We delete user account ID by deleting all personal information in our system.
To request to delete account ID, write to our Support Site with account ID.
Refund Policy
Bdrive refunds for the purchase orders requested within 14 days after the purchase date. Refund policy is stated in Terms and Conditions of End User License Agreement (EULA) as well.
Refunds are returned to the payment method used to make the original purchase. Refunds take about 3-10 business days which can be affected by the card issuer. To request a refund, write to our Support Site with user account ID and transaction ID.
Support Site
Our official support forum is
We run categories for our products, NetDrive3, CloudSync and NetDrive2. For easier use, sub categories are available such as Technical Issues, Feature Request, How To and FAQ.
Licenses & Payments category is available for general license inquiries as well. User can use private messages which will be sent to staff members directly.
As soon as our technical staffs check user support tickets, they review and reply in their earliest time. Sometimes issues needs to be tested and further analyzed which causes the delay.
For ongoing (not closed) support inquiries, it is highly recommended to reply to the latest ticket (or email) which includes entire chain of previous conversations, shortening our reviewing time.